How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04


Welcome to GreyMatter’s Tech Blog! In today’s guide, we will walk you through the process of installing Docker on your VPS or Ubuntu 22.04. Docker, a robust containerization tool, simplifies application deployment and management. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped to harness the power of Docker and effortlessly run containers on your system. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Update Your System

Ensure your system is up to date before starting the installation process. Open your PS terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies by executing the following command:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https

Step 3: Install Docker

Proceed with the Docker installation on Ubuntu by running the commands below:

curl -fsSL -o sudo sh

This script will download and install Docker on your system.

Step 4: Create a User (Optional)

If you prefer not to use sudo for every Docker command, add your user to the Docker group with:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Remember to log out and log back in to apply the changes.

Step 5: Verify Docker Installation

Confirm the successful installation of Docker with the following command:

docker –version

You should see version information on your screen if Docker is installed correctly.

Step 6: Test Docker

Execute a simple test to ensure Docker is functioning properly:

docker run hello-world

This command will download the “hello-world” Docker image and run it in a container, confirming a successful installation.

Step 7: Managing Docker Containers

Manage your Docker containers with the following commands:

To view Docker images:

docker images

To stop a running container (replace <container_id> with the actual ID):

docker stop


Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Docker on your VPS or Ubuntu 22.04 system. Docker provides a flexible and efficient way to deploy and manage applications. Explore the world of containerization and leverage its benefits.


Step 8: Explore Docker Containers

Now that Docker is up and running, it’s time to explore and manage your containers further. Use the following commands to navigate your Docker environment:

  • List all running containers:
docker ps
  • View all containers, including stopped ones:
docker ps -a
  • Remove a stopped container (replace <container_id>):
docker rm

Step 9: Docker Images and Cleanup

Keep your Docker environment tidy by managing images and performing periodic cleanup:

  • View all Docker images:
docker images
  • Remove a Docker image (replace <image_id>):
docker rmi <image_id>
  • Perform system cleanup to reclaim disk space:
docker system prune -a

Step 10: Advanced Docker Usage

Explore advanced Docker features such as Docker Compose for multi-container applications and Docker Swarm for orchestration. These tools enhance your ability to manage and scale containerized applications efficiently.

Step 11: Docker Security Best Practices

As you embark on your Docker journey, it’s crucial to prioritize security. Follow these best practices to ensure a secure Docker environment:

  • Regularly update Docker and its dependencies to patch vulnerabilities:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Avoid running containers as the root user. Stick to least-privileged users to enhance security.
  • Utilize Docker Content Trust to verify the authenticity and integrity of images:
  • Monitor Docker container logs for potential issues or security threats:
docker logs <container_id>

Step 12: Learn Docker Networking

Docker’s networking capabilities are essential for communication between containers and external networks. Explore Docker networking options, such as creating custom networks for your containers:

  • Create a custom bridge network:
docker network create mynetwork
  • Run a container on your custom network:
docker run –network=mynetwork <image_name>

Step 13: Docker Volumes for Data Persistence

Ensure data persistence by using Docker volumes. Volumes allow you to share and persist data between your host system and containers:

  • Create a Docker volume:
docker volume create myvolume
  • Mount a volume to a container:
docker run -v myvolume:/app/data <image_name>

Step 14: Join the Docker Community

Dive into the vibrant Docker community to stay updated, seek assistance, and share your experiences. Join forums, attend meetups, and explore resources such as Docker Hub for pre-built images.

Step 15: Scaling with Docker Swarm

Take your container orchestration to the next level by exploring Docker Swarm. Docker Swarm allows you to manage and scale your containers across multiple nodes. Initiate a Docker Swarm with:

docker swarm init

Add worker nodes to your Swarm to distribute containers efficiently. This provides resilience and high availability for your applications.

Step 16: Dive into Docker Compose

Simplify the management of multi-container applications using Docker Compose. Create a docker-compose.yml file to define the services, networks, and volumes for your application. Deploy your entire application stack with a single command:

docker-compose up -d

Explore advanced Compose features such as environment variables, scaling services, and defining complex application architectures.

Step 17: Dockerizing Your Applications

Containerize your own applications to harness the full potential of Docker. Create a Dockerfile for your application, specifying its dependencies and configuration. Build your Docker image with:

docker build -t myapp:latest .

Run your containerized application locally and ensure it behaves as expected within a containerized environment.

Step 18: Continuous Integration and Deployment with Docker

Integrate Docker into your CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment. Tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions can facilitate seamless integration of Docker containers into your development workflow.

Step 19: Explore Docker Hub

Docker Hub is a treasure trove of pre-built images shared by the community. Discover official images for popular software or contribute your own. Pull images from Docker Hub to streamline the deployment of widely-used applications.

docker pull <image_name>

Step 20: Stay Informed and Innovate

Docker is a dynamic ecosystem, constantly evolving with new features and improvements. Stay informed about updates, security patches, and best practices. Join Docker webinars, follow release notes, and participate in the broader tech community.

Step 21: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Take your container orchestration skills further by delving into Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a powerful platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Learn the basics of Kubernetes, including Pods, Deployments, and Services, to effectively manage your containerized workloads.

Step 22: Explore Docker Security Tools

Enhance the security of your Dockerized environment by exploring Docker security tools. Tools like Clair for vulnerability scanning and Docker Bench for Security can help you identify and mitigate potential security risks within your containers and images.


Step 23: Dockerizing Databases and Persistent Storage

Extend your Docker expertise to databases and persistent storage. Docker enables you to containerize databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Additionally, explore Docker volumes and bind mounts for managing persistent data and configurations.

Step 24: Backup and Disaster Recovery

Implement a robust backup and disaster recovery strategy for your Dockerized applications. Regularly back up critical data and configurations to ensure quick recovery in case of unexpected incidents. Docker provides tools like docker commit and data volume backups to facilitate this process.

Step 25: Contributing to the Docker Community

Become an active member of the Docker community by sharing your experiences, contributing to open-source projects, and participating in forums. Engage with the community to gain insights, seek advice, and contribute to the continuous improvement of Docker.

Step 26: Docker in Production Best Practices

Prepare your Dockerized applications for production environments by following best practices. Consider aspects like resource constraints, load balancing, and monitoring. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana can aid in monitoring the performance of your Docker containers.

Step 27: Advanced Docker Networking

Explore advanced Docker networking concepts such as overlay networks and service discovery. These features are crucial for orchestrating complex, multi-container applications in distributed environments.

Step 28: Implementing Service Mesh

Enhance microservices communication and observability by implementing a service mesh. Tools like Istio or Linkerd provide features like traffic management, security, and monitoring, improving the overall resilience of your containerized applications.

Step 29: Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The tech landscape is ever-evolving, and Docker is no exception. Stay on top of industry trends, attend conferences, and continue learning to adapt your Docker skills to emerging technologies and practices.

Conclusion and Future Exploration:

Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide! You’ve acquired a solid foundation in Docker, from installation to advanced topics. As you embark on future projects, remember that the world of containerization is vast, and continuous learning is key.

Thank you for joining us on this Docker journey. If you found this guide valuable, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. Wishing you success in all your Docker endeavors!

Resources and Further Reading:

To continue your journey and deepen your knowledge, here are some additional resources and further reading recommendations:

  1. Unlock the Secrets to Telegram Success: Discover the ultimate Telegram strategies that top channels use to skyrocket their success. Learn how to optimize your channel, engage your audience, and climb the ranks. Maximize your impact on Telegram with expert insights and techniques. Don’t miss out – start your journey to channel dominance now!
  2. How to create a Welcome Message for Telegram Groups: Explore the features of Telegram’s Group Management Bot. Learn to craft an engaging welcome message, utilize formatting options, and enhance your group’s experience. Stay informed about upcoming features!
  3. Top 10 Telegram Bots You Didn’t Know You Needed: Explore a curated list of must-have Telegram bots that add convenience and fun to your messaging experience. Discover hidden gems that cater to various interests.
  4. Kubernetes Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners: Dive into Kubernetes, the leading container orchestration platform, covering basics, architecture, and practical insights for beginners.
  5. Continuous Integration and Deployment with Docker: A Complete Guide: Explore the integration of Docker into CI/CD pipelines, automating testing and deployment for streamlined software development workflows.

Remember to check the video for visual references and additional tips



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